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MeBattery Progress Meeting and 3rd Workshop held in Madrid

Kindly hosted by IMDEA Energy team around Rebeca Marcilla and Paula Navalpotro , the MeBattery consortium had the pleasure to come together in Móstoles, Madrid on 8-9 October 2024 for the bi-annual Progress Meeting and the 3rd MeBattery public workshop.

There is only one more year to go until the project’s end and we have another Review Meeting with the European Commission around the corner. Accordingly, the focus of this meeting was to prepare for this meeting, rehearse the presentations and make sure that the status and results in the different Work Packages are shown in a consistent and understandable manner. Besides preparing for the meeting, open issues such as finding adequate booster material and stabilizers that work reliably in the aqueous biphasic system were discussed thoroughly.

The afternoon of the 2nd meeting day was dedicated to the 3rd MeBattery public workshop on “New Materials and Technologies for Electrochemical Energy Storage”. The programme included the following contributions by external experts in the field:

  • Nitroxyl radicals: exploring solutions for flow battery catholyte (Eduardo Sánchez, CIC Energigune)
  • Investigating all-vanadium redox flow batteries through advanced mathematical models and experimental diagnosis tools (Marcos Vera, University Carlos III)
  • Coupled benchtop NMR and EPR for studying redox flow batteries in operando (Evan Wenbo Zhao, Radboud University)
  • Prussian Blue Analogues for Multivalent insertion applications (Rafale Trocoli, University of Córdoba)
  • Emerging Materials for Redox Flow batteries (Cristina Flox Donoso, CIIAE)

Roughly 50 participants joined online or on location and enjoyed the high-quality science driven by the excellent presentations of the five invited speakers. The workshop covered a wide range of areas that are of critical importance in the development of emerging energy storage technologies from material science to advanced operando techniques to mechanical engineering, aiming to raise awareness, especially among scientists, of the importance of having a holistic view and multidisciplinary approach for applied science.